Buy Fluonitazene
Fluonitazene is a designer opioid analgesic, a variant of the etonitazene analogue, and has a similar molecular formula. Fluonitazene has a high opioid potency, about 10 times that of morphine. This drug acts as an excellent analgesic, hypnotic, relaxant and…
Buy Deschloroetizolam (Etizolam-2)
Deschloroetizolam (Etizolam-2) is a thienodiazepine drug with a molecular structure similar to Etizolam and has been developed as a replacement and designer drug. Deschlorethisolam has sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant effects, binds to sites of modulation of GABA receptors. Deschlorethisolam is…
Buy Methylmethaqualone (MMQ)
Methylmethaqualone (MMQ) is a sedative and hypnotic drug, an analog of methaqualone and has the same properties due to agonist activity on the beta-subtype of the GABAA receptor and has the same potency. The difference between Methylmethaqualone and methaqualone is…
Buy Butonitazene
Butonitazene is an opioid analgesic of the benzimidazole class, an analogue of etonitazine. The opioid potency of Butonitazene is approximately 50 times that of morphine. Butonitazene has sedative properties, analgesic properties, a strong hypnotic agent; at high dosages, respiratory depression…
Buy Nitromethaqualone
Nitromethaqualone is a new sedative drug that has excellent hypnotic properties, a structural analogue of metaqualone, but with greater potency and a duration of exposure of more than 10 times. The average dose is 25 mg, at high dosages nitromethaqualone…